Happy 10 months Ian Charles! You are getting so big, literally and figuratively. You did not have a 10 month appt this month but I would estimate that you are close to 30 inches and weigh about 23 pounds. So, so heavy you have gotten. Maybe that is because you like to eat. You don't love to sit in your high chair as long as before but you still love to chow down and your favorite foods are any meat, peas, bread, pasta, watermelon. And you love sweets just like me. Basically you like anything you can feed yourself. The only thing you don't like are eggs and blueberries or anything other berry that is too sour. You also like to feed Jeter and you throw your food on his head and I am sure he likes that but please stop because he is getting sick.
You are getting good at understanding commands and when I ask you to drop your toy, you raise it high up and then drop it. So Cute. You love to kiss the fish in your favorite book Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Music is another favorite and you like to watch Glee and stop when the songs come on. You have also finally learned how to play peekaboo and I will post video of you playing with mommy soon.
Physically I am surprised that you are not walking yet since you crawled so early but that is okay with me. I am already tired from chasing you around while crawling, walking is a whole other monster to deal with.
Oh and how can I forget the lovely temper tantrums you throw once in a while. I get a kick out of it for now because it is still cute but I know it won't be cute for much longer. We were at the library the other day and you kept getting angry at me for taking away the mouse from you. You definitely have a personality that is not that mellow.
You now have three teeth and the top left one is about to erupt. Maybe that explains the slight clinginess you have been displaying. Oh that, yeah. I forgot to tell you that your mom is your most favorite person in the world and I get so many hugs and kisses throughout the day. Thanks honey. You will be playing and then notice me all of a sudden and crawl and climb and kiss my belly. Sometimes you give me real smooches and they are gross but I love them anyway.
Love you bunches ICH!!!
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