
Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day!

So we celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday and Sunday. We slept over mama and lolo's house on Saturday night and went out for Vietnamese food. Of course, you were a great boy the entire time and stayed in your seat for the whole meal but you did make a mess on the floor of the restaurant with your peas and rice. We also went to church the next morning and you slept on my shoulder for half the mass and when you woke up, you looked around observing the stained glass windows and huge chandeliers in the cathedral. You were again so great and didn't fuss to be put down at all. Afterwards we went back home and I got the roses and massage from you, daddy and Jeter. Then it was off to eat again with Grandma, Poppop, Uncle Chris, Uncle Gabe and the girls at the Pleasantville Country Club for a brunch buffet. It was yummy!!!! You slept for most of the meal and woke up just after we finished dessert. You have great timing honey! Anyway, thanks for being my baby and thanks for the presents although you are the greatest, best gift I could have ever asked for! Love, Mommy! Will have to post photos later from the brunch since they are on Poppop's camera.

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