
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Nine Months!

Nine months today my baby!!! I cannot believe it. I know I say that every month but this time I really mean it. Can time please just stop so I can enjoy this stage with you which I am loving every single second. You are such a good little boy and everyone who sees you says it. You love everyone and are the biggest flirt and will take all the attention you can get. Milestones are just coming fast and you are developing and understanding so much. You can bang two objects together and put things in containers when I say "put inside". You also understand some commands such as "sit down", "give me", "hands up", "wave" and "give mommy a kiss". Sometimes you choose to ignore me but that's okay :)....Jeter is your very best friend and you laugh and giggle whenever you see him. I love it when you ram your head into his neck when you want to give him affection. When I sing "open, shut them" you look at your hands as you open and close them. Your favorite things to watch on TV are your Baby Einstein DVD's and they sure give mommy some time to cook and clean. When it comes to food, you love your toast and table food. Sometimes you get angry when I try to feed you your purees but if I give you toast to finger feed yourself, I manage to get the food in your mouth. Today, you sipped water from a straw for the first time. I think I will forego the sippy cups and go straight to straws which is better anyway. You have your 9 month checkup on Monday and I can't wait to see how heavy and long you have gotten. Love you bunches honey.

Update: Your 9 month stats

Weight: 22 pounds
Height: 28 3/4 inches
Both within 75th percentile

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