
Thursday, April 1, 2010

8 Months Old!!

Oh honey, I cannot believe that you are 8 months old already! Where has the time gone? You are my joy and my world and I just want to stop time because it is all going too fast. You are such a happy baby and you seem to enjoy everything around you. One nosy bugger you are. I love how you look at things and observe them so intently and I can only wonder what it is that you are thinking. You love to cuddle more and more with me and sometimes when I leave your sight you cry which I don't like but I do secretly love that you love your mommy!

You love to eat real food now and who can blame you? At the restaurant in Puerto Rico, you were happy as a clam but when the salads came, you screamed till I gave you some of the shredded carrots. You also love bread and as your grandma says, you do have Italian in you. A few days after your 8th month birthday, you were able to finger feed yourself the Gerber puffs which you love love love. From a mom who is an OT, that is a big deal. I was so happy when I saw you put that little puff in your mouth all by yourself.

Personality wise, you are fairly social which I am surprised by. When you were younger, you would scream in social situations but now you love attention and smile charmingly at strangers. Sometimes you still like to assess the situation before you give a smile but you rarely cry. So many people comment on what a good boy you are.

You are my little man and I am so happy and lucky to have you in my life!! MWAH!!!!

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